【問題】abductor pollicis longus中文 ?推薦回答

關於「abductor pollicis longus中文」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:

Multiple tendons of the abductor pollicis longus muscle - PubMed。

In the case presented below, we observed abductor pollicis longus (APL) dividing into five sections shortly after exiting the first compartment.: 。

Bilateral abductor pollicis longus muscle variation. Case report and ...。

An abnormal abductor pollicis longus muscle was encountered bilaterally during the dissection of the upper limb of a 26-year-old male cadaver.: 。

Abductor pollicis longus - Physiopedia。

The Abductor pollicis longus (APL) is one of a deep extensor of the forearm and is responsible for facilitating movement and stabilization of the thumb. Its ...: 。

Abductor Pollicis Longus - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil ...。

2016年4月20日 · The abductor pollicis longus (APL) is an important muscle. It is one of the extrinsic muscles of ...時間長度: 5:17發布時間: 2016年4月20日: 。

Abductor pollicis longus muscle - Wikipedia。

In human anatomy, the abductor pollicis longus (APL) is one of the extrinsic muscles of the hand. Its major function is to abduct the thumb at the wrist.: 。

Spontaneous Rupture of Extensor Pollicis Longus Tendon: Clinical ...。

2020年4月28日 · Five patients underwent extensor indicis proprius to EPL tendon transfer employing Pulvertaft weave technique and one patient underwent primary ...。

Abductor pollicis longus muscle | Radiology Reference Article。

2021年1月16日 · The abductor pollicis longus (APL) muscle is found in the deep layer of the posterior compartment of the forearm. As it descends, it becomes ...: 。

Thumb CMC Joint - Radsource。

At the radial aspect of the thumb trapeziometacarpal joint (A), the dorsoradial ligament (DRL) and overlying abductor pollicis longus (APL) tendon cannot be ...。

Arthroplasty Around the Wrist: CME, RADIOCARPAL, DRUJ, An Issue of ...。

A.A. Illarramendi, J.G. Boretto, G.L. Gallucci, et al. ... Thumb basal joint arthroplasty using abductor pollicis longus tendon: an average 5.5-year ...。

Oxford Textbook of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery。

... transfer to restore extension of the thumb using abductor pollicis longus. ... Gainor BJ, Hummel GL. ... Klarenbeek NB, Kerstens PJ, Huizinga TW, et al.

常見abductor pollicis longus中文問答